1. Accomplishing Prophetic Word

a) Isaiah 55:11 
11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

2. A Testimony

a) 05/04/2015 evening, I took a friend of mine to see a lawyer as he was facing some kinds of Industrial Relations issue in his company. After the whole session with the lawyer was over, my friend took the lawyer and me for dinner. 

b) As we were leaving for home after dinner, my friend suddenly said to me that he wanted to encourage me. I was wondering why he suddenly said that and what was he trying to tell me. 

c) He said that in one particular home cell, I had prayed for all the cell members and accorded them each a God-given number except himself. For him, he said that I had prophesied that God would extend his life.

d) Sometime in 2015, he went for a normal blood test and discovered that he had a cancerous growth in his liver. The attending specialist doctor told him that he had to immediately go for his liver operation to remove the cancerous growth as it might grow and spread to other parts of his liver. At first, he was reluctant to go for his liver operation as he deemed healthy and normal in his physique. 

e) Somehow, he remembered the prophetic word that was given to him earlier. That gave him the courage and comfort to go for his liver operation as advised by the specialist doctor. He said that his liver operation was not a minor operation but a major one. Half of his liver was removed together with some organs associated with it.

f) He stayed for 11 days in the hospital and went through the agony and trauma after his liver operation. He lost 10 Kg! He recounted an incident of a patient with a similar liver cancer like himself. He was told by the liver patient that the recovery after the liver operation would normally take a week. That liver patient was so confident and sure that he would recover after a week. But that was not so for that liver patient as he didn't make it to life after his liver operation.

g) My friend is so thankful that I have given him a prophetic word. He now realizes that a prophetic word may be useful in time of need as death seems to be so real, dreadful and fearful. He also realizes that God has given him a second chance in life. Glory to His Name! 
