(Message by Tanny Keng)

0. Introduction

a) Almost from the beginning there were forces at work within Christianity that could have destroyed or sidetracked the movement. Of these, three created many problems then and have continued to reappear in other forms even today. The three aberrations are contrasted to true Christianity.

b) Below is one of the three distortion groups.

1. Distortion Group: Lawless Christianity

a) Their definition of a Christian

i) Christians live above the law.

ii)They need no guidelines.

iii) God's Word is not as important as our personal sense of God's guidance.

b) Their genuine concern

i) Recognized that forgiveness from God cannot be based on our ability to live up to his perfect standards.

ii) It must be received by faith as a gift made possible by Christ's death on the cross.

c) The danger

i) Forgets that Christians are still human and fail consistently when trying to live only by what they "feel" God wants.

d) Application question

i) Do you recognize the ongoing need for God's expressed commands as you live out your gratitude for his great salvation?

The End ...
