(Message by Tanny Keng)

0. Introduction

a) Solomon and his workers carefully followed God's instructions. As a result, the temple work was blessed by God and completed in every detail.

b) Here is one of the few examples of people in the Bible who did not carefully follow one of God's instructions, and the resulting consequences. It is not enough to obey God half-heartedly.

1. Who? Moses

a) God's instruction

i) "Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water."

@1. 8 “Take the rod; you and your brother Aaron gather the congregation together. Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water; thus you shall bring water for them out of the rock, and give drink to the congregation and their animals.” (Numbers 20:8 NKJV)

b) Disobedience

i) He spoke to the rock, but also struck it with his rod.

@1. 11 Then Moses lifted his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water came out abundantly, and the congregation and their animals drank. (Numbers 20:11 NKJV)

c) Result

i) He was not allowed to enter the Promised Land.

@1. 12 Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not believe Me, to hallow Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.” (Numbers 20:12 NKJV)

The End ...
