0. Introduction

a) The Bible Book Introductions are divided into 4 parts (Overview, Vital Statistics, Blueprint, Mega-themes) for easy-to-understand.

1. Blueprint 

@1. Israel in Egypt (1:1-12:30)

i) Slavery in Egypt
ii) God chooses Moses
iii) God sends Moses to Pharaoh
iv) Plagues strike Egypt
v) The Passover

a) When the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, God heard their cries and rescued them. We can be confident that God will still hears the cries of his people. Just as he delivered the Israelites from their captors, he delivers us from sin, death, and evil.

@2. Israel in the Wilderness (12:31-18:27)

i) Escape from Egypt
ii) Rescue through the Red Sea
iii) Complaining in the wilderness

a) After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites became quarrelsome and discontent. Like the Israelites, we find it easy to complain and be dissatisfied. Christians still have struggles, but we should never allow difficulties and unpleasant circumstances to turn us away from trusting God.

@3. Israel at Sinai (19:1-40:38)

i) Giving the law
ii) Tabernacle instructions
iii) Breaking the law
iv) Tabernacle construction

a) God revealed his law to the Israelites at Sinai. Through the law, they learned more about what God is like and how he expected his people to live. The law is still instructional for us, for it exposes our sin and shows us God's standard for living. 
