0. Introduction

a) Below is one comparison of twenty-three major Bible translations. Listed with each version is the text basis translators used for the Old and New Testaments, what technique they used to translate, and background information about the version.

1. Translation (Date originally published, abbreviation)

a) Holy Bible in Its Original Order - A Faithful Version, Second Edition (2009, HBFV)
Text basis for O. T. :  Ben Asher Masoretic Hebrew Text
Text basis for N. T. :  Stephens Greek Text of 1550 A.D.
Technique used:  Formal Equivalence
Owner:  York Publishing

b) The HBFV is one of the only known modern translation that uses the original inspired canonical manuscript order to arrange the books. This restores the original book order and reestablishes its seven divisions which are: 1) The Law, 2) The Prophets, 3) The Writings, 4) The Gospels and Acts, 5) The General Epistles, 6) The Epistles of Paul, and 7) The Book of Revelation. According to its translator, the HBFV reflects the true meaning of the original Hebrew and Greek text and shows the unity of Scripture between the Old and New Testaments. 
