0. Introduction

a) Can the church you attend or the religion you adhere to be SICK? How can you tell if they are self-defeating and what can you do about it? There are three primary characteristics of a sick (self-defeating) group. This brief article will discuss each one of these.

1. The three cures

a) The three CURES for a sick religion are below.

i) Do not let a religious leader or church separate you from those you love, such as spouses, friends, family, or whomever.

ii) Do not let a group make you worse off than when you arrived! If you find that they are taking from you far more than they are giving back then it might be time to leave.

iii) Love is the cure for fear (1 John 4:18). Do not let fear discourage you from fulfilling your responsibilities as a believer in Jesus Christ. A church or group is SICK if it feeds you more fear than the love of God.

b) We are responsible for the beliefs we employ in our daily lives and the church we attend! 
