0. Key Places in Mark

a) Of the four Gospels, Mark's narrative is the most chronological--that is, most of the stories are positioned in the order they actually occurred. Though the shortest of the four, the Gospel of Mark contains the most events; it is action packed.

b) Most of the action centers in Galilee, where Jesus began his ministry. Capernaum served as his base of operation (Mark 1:21;2:1;9:33), from which he would go out to cities like Bethsaida--where he healed a blind man (Mark 8:22ff); Gennesaret--where he performed many healings (Mark 6:53ff); Tyre and Sidon (to the far north)--where he healed many, drove out demons, and met the Syrophoenician woman (Mark 3:8;7:24ff); and Caesarea Philippi--where Peter declared him to be the Messiah (Mark 8:27ff).

c) After his ministry in Galilee and the surrounding regions, Jesus headed for Jerusalem (Mark 10:1). Before going there, Jesus told his disciples three times that he would be crucified there and then come back to life (Mark 8:31;9:31;10:33,34). 
