1. Satan

a) We have seen from the Bible that angels, were created by God, but some of them, led by Lucifer, rebelled against God.

b) The Bible tells us much about Satan (or Lucifer), and a little about demons (devils) and the holy angels.

c) Let's look at how Satan (or Devil) acts as accuser in four ways.

i) He accuses man to God. For example he accused Job of being selfish by saying that Job did not serve God for nothing, Job 1:9. He accuses the brethren before God day and night, Revelation 12:10.

ii) He accuses God before the angels of heaven, Job 1:10. He said God showed more kindness to Job than to other men. This is very important. You see, God had put Satan and many other angels out of heaven, because of their sin. Satan says that this was not right. He also says God is unfair because He does not judge man's since at once. One of God's great purposes in creating and  redeeming man is that God may stop forever Satan's accusations that God is nor righteous.

iii) The Devil also accuses God to man. In Genesis 3:5 he means that God is selfish. The devil suggested this is why God did not want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge. The Devil wants us to doubt God's love. Men blame God for allowing people to suffer. It is the Devil who put these thoughts in their minds.

v) The Devil accuses us one to another. For instance he tried to cause trouble between Paul and the Corinthians, 2 Corinthians 2:11, but Paul knew Satan's designs. 
