1. His Beginning

a) The second great group of beings created by God is man. Angels were created first and are greater than man. What does the Bible teach about man in God's plan?

b) Man could not know where he came from unless God told him. Because God is gracious, He has made known to us the most important facts in Genesis 2:7.

c) How did God create man? God formed a body out of the dust of the ground. Man's body is made of the same things that animals and the other things in this world are made of. God breathed into man the breath of life and he became alive. Even today science does not understand what life is and cannot make a lifeless thing become alive.

d) Although some people think the idea of evolution is true, it has three great problems after the creation of the world:

i) the beginning of plant life.

ii) the beginning of animal life.

iii) the beginning of human life.

e) There are great differences between stones, plants, animals and human beings. It seems that some people overlook these problems because they want to leave God out.

f) When did man come into being? The Bible teaches that Adam was the first true man. God created him about six or eight thousand years ago. Some people say they have found men's bones or things made by men going back tens of thousands of years. The Bible does not tell us what happened in this world before Adam was created. There may have been creatures that looked like man, But Adam was created with a spirit. There is no way to prove that these beings (if there really were any) had a spirit. Therefore these old bones cannot prove that the Bible dates are wrong. We believe the Bible is true no matter what men may say about it. 
