1. Bible Answers

a) Do you have any Bible questions? Let the Bible surprise you with amazing answers. Below are some answers to the Bible questions frequently asked.

2. Who was supposed to write the Commandments - God or Moses? In Exodus 34:1 God says he will write on the stone tablets, but in Exodus 34:27 he tells Moses to do the writing.

a) The word "write" is being used in two different ways. In the first verse, it is being used in the sense of being the author, or originator, of the 10 Commandments. In the second verse, the word "write" is being used in a physical sense, in which Moses is inscribing the words of God into the two stone tablets.

b) The word "write" is being used in two different ways. In the first verse, it is being used in the sense of being the author, or originator, of the 10 Commandments. In the second verse, the word "write" is being used in a physical sense, in which Moses is inscribing the words of God into the two stone tablets. 
