(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Proverbs 

a) Our Lord Jesus, from his youth, "kept increasing in wisdom and stature and favor with God and men" (Luke 2:52). Jesus set us an example to increase in wisdom. Certainly God has not left us short of wisdom for life. The book of Proverbs is rich in wise instruction. So are the other sacred writings, but we shall limit ourselves, in this lesson, to a few pertinent sayings in the book of Proverbs.

b) The principles here will not surprise you. They are common knowledge. What is surprising, is that few people choose to live by them!

2. Living Orderly

Proverbs 24:27  
"Prepare your work outside, and make it ready for yourself in the field; afterwards, then build your house." 

a) Some people want everything now, and won't gain one thing at a time, taking first things first. One who buys a farm, first sets the land in order and provides for income. He does not, if he is wise, build his six bedroom homestead first; he waits till his fields are producing the funds before he gets luxuries. 

The End ...
