(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Judgement  

a) Judgement seems to be the theme of Matthew seven. Jesus is concerned that we live so as to be ready for the last day when he will return.

b) Underlying each of the segments of Matthew chapter 7, we find this concern. You w ill be judged as you have judged others. You will be rewarded according to how wisely you shared holy things with others. You will receive according to what you asked for and sought. You will be treated as you treated others. Your destiny will be determined by the road you have chosen to walk. You will share the same fate as the prophet you chose to believe. You will be judged by whether you have done God’s will or man’s lawlessness.

c) Dos and don’ts fill this chapter, not as advice to enhance our daily lives (although they will certainly do that), but as principles to help us enter eventually into everlasting life and avoid destruction.

d) God is represented as our Father who helps us, and we as our own worst enemies. So Jesus cautions us about making hasty and hypocritical judgments, about giving holy things to "dogs", treating others badly, false prophets and wonder-workers, and about whom he will disown and reject on “that day”.

e) Endurance in our faith depends on God’s providence. Jesus encourages us to ask God’s help to choose the one true path to heaven, and the strong foundation on which to build our future.

f) Many will be foolish and go to destruction, whilst few will be wise and enter into life. This is the hard truth which Jesus tells us frankly, so we will try all the harder to ask, seek, and knock.

g) Everyone who hears his word and does it will be led to life. No one will be missed or forgotten. On the other hand, we may infer that no one false will get by unnoticed, not one. They will all be turned away with that "Depart from me". 

The End ...
