(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Fire 

a) Fire is a necessary part of life, and it has many uses — heating, lighting, protection, cooking, purifying, and destruction among others. It is one of the first techniques that survivalists try to master in order to stay alive in a crisis. Likewise, fire is mentioned in the Bible many times, and it is also associated with various purposes. 

b) Fire is a powerful tool that brings life, or it is a destructive weapon that destroys everything in its path. It has many uses and purposes, but in God’s word, it frequently represents the powerful presence of the Lord. We often think of fire as destructive or painful, but when we become Christians we see the fire of the Holy Spirit as life-giving and helpful. We no longer fear it or the fires of hell. Instead we pursue God, and his all-consuming fire that purifies and cleanses us and brings us into a new realm of relationship with him.

c) Here is one of the Bible verses about or related to fire.

2. Bible Verses 

Acts 2:3 
“And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them.” 

a) Fire is also associated with the Holy Spirit. When the disciples were praying in the Upper Room in Jerusalem after Jesus’ ascension, they received the gift of the Holy Spirit that looked like tongues of fire over their heads. This “fire” rested on them, and transformed their lives forever. They went from being a weak and fearful group of people cowering in a back room, to standing up and speaking boldly to the international crowd at Pentecost. 

The End ...
