1. Other nations

a) The Bible has many prophecies about other nations - countries other than Israel. These nations include Babylon, Tyre, Nineveh and Edom. These and other nations had tormented Israel in ancient times, by conquering the Holy Land, and forcing the Jews into exile and slavery. Many of these prophecies about other nations involve ancient nations and many were fulfilled in ancient times.

b) Bible prophecies are listed below.

2. Bible Prophecies 

a) Tyre's stones, timber and soil would be cast into the sea. 

Ezekiel 26:12 New International Version (NIV) 

12 They will plunder your wealth and loot your merchandise; they will break down your walls and demolish your fine houses and throw your stones, timber and rubble into the sea.

3. Written: Between 587-586 BC

a) In Ezekiel 26:12, the prophet said that Tyre's stones, timber and soil would be thrown into the sea. Ezekiel's prophecy accurately describes how Alexander the Great built a land bridge from the mainland to the island of Tyre, when he attacked in 333-332 BC. Alexander's forces took rubble from Tyre's mainland and tossed it - stones, timber and soil - into the sea, to build the land bridge (which is still there). 
